Ways of Collaboration Have Been Changing

As we are all acutely aware, the way we do business now looks very different from the way we did business even 3 months ago due to the impact of COVID-19. Businesses, classes and daily social work have been shifting online. But meanwhile, the need to work, communicate and collaborate remotely has become everyone’s issue, not just a select few. Communicating and collaborating seamlessly, no matter internally or externally, is becoming the key.

As an intelligent and remote collaboration solution provider, MAXHUB has been helping thousands of people, doctors & nurses, government officials, teachers & students, every office worker… to protect themselves from risks while fostering communication and making daily work as efficient as it was.

MAXHUB Webinar Series

Firstly we hope you stay healthy and safe, make sure to take care of yourself and your family. We hope this will get over soon.

Under these circumstances, we want to connect with you under zero latency, to share with you the latest solutions that can actually help our customers, to host series product training that will keep enhancing our service capability. In April, we hosted 5 live webinars in total and over 1200 times view were witnessed. If you missed that, please contact MAXHUB for the webinar record.

Gyeongsang National University, South Korea

Take a look at how Gyeongsang National University in South Korea, is preparing for distant learning in times of crisis.

The classroom was originally designed based on PBL (Project Based Learning) for project oriented learning task, whereby each group was like a standalone classroom. Students assigned the tasks, had discussion and submitted their results with the MAXHUB interactive flat panels. Finally, the results in each group would be gathered and presented on the big screen in front of the entire class.

During a time when schools are closed, this classroom has become a hub for distant learning. School curriculum has been moved online as a precautionary measure. Lecturers and professors would be in charge of the presenting as well as interaction control.

With the help of technology, MAXHUB interactive flat panels are helping schools and offices alike to adapt to the new normal.

Stay Tuned, Stay Healthy and Stay Connected

Except for the product training, we are also working on a number of new marketing strategies designed to support and help our partners, including webinars, integrated solutions, and something very new, which we will reveal on the coming ups. Let’s stay healthy, stay connected, and stay tuned!

In the end, we would like to share a quote from William Shakespeare, “There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”

Wise words for all of us, together.